Documentary Short film - Student film
Sofia Kowalewska
Munk Studio - Polish Filmmakers Association...their role for first time filmmakers
Barbara and Zdzislow are planning a party to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. Gratitude and joy are the typical emotions expressed by couples who are married for decades until death parts them. Especially, if difficult times are weathered well.
The marriage of Barbara and Zdzislow has been a complicated one, each longing to be appreciated by the other for their investment of commitment. But, when Zdzislow left the marriage to live with a younger, more energetic woman for an eight-year period, their matrimonial bliss took a detour.
Zdzislow returned to the marriage once impotency set in and was grateful to Barbara for her forgiveness. But, is he happy? Devastated that Zdzislow would leave her for other women, she is grateful he has returned to her. Barbara truly loves him and desires to return to a life of togetherness. Barbara is hopeful his love for her will rekindle.
Pain, resentment and sadness are the causes of a life of tolerance toward one another. Barbara and Zdzislow are now forced to reminisce on what they had, what they lost and what they will choose to celebrate.