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International Film Section: Every Man is an Island #1
by Adrian Schoeneshoefer

BÊLONS (Let’s Bleat!)
El Medhi Azzam, Morocco 2016

Kamal is being kicked out of his uncle’s apartment due to lack of payment. His uncle sees him as a big loser like his father. He can’t afford living there anymore since he has been unable to find a job. He goes out to a rundown place outside the city where his loser father is living and decides to stays with his father for a bit. He finds a job where he wears a Sean-the-sheep costume and tries to get money out of people as a denotation for a lamb for Ramadan. Meanwhile he grows closer to his father and wants to give his dad a bottle of wine for the upcoming event. So he and a friend attempt to steal the wine from work but have to outwit the security guards.During the chase he jumps over a wall and falls pretty heavily on the ground breaking the bottle. You see a red surface coming through the costume as Kamal lies on the ground. It is open-ended so that the viewer must decide if it is his blood or wine from the bottle. I really enjoyed watching this movie, because it was very funny and well done. The costume Kamal wore was hilarious. The entire story was funny and outrageous. If you have the chance, definitely watch this movie. You won’t be disappointed.