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by Karen Pecota

Elisee Junior St. Preux, USA, 2021

In a remote delta community a father, Fin (Dexter Tills) teaches his son, Oku(Taj Johnson) fishing, as well as, other life lessons in a rather uncanny manner. Their conversation often begins with an intense vocal cadence starting with FIN asking a question followed by a response from Oku. Each exchange builds upon a louder tone and each response lasts several seconds. For example: Fin asks: "Who's the man?"; Oku responds: "I'm the man!"

Another unusual aspect of their fishing days, is that catching fish isn't just with hooks and poles but with the sound of a trumpet. Oku blows his trumpet piece and out pop the fish. Amazing!

Oku is preparing for a trumpet audition of a lifetime. If he performs well, it could gain him entrance into a very prestigious school of music. Fin explains to Oku how he is trying to help him prepare for his audition which often seems too harsh.

Fin hands Oku a very old piece of classical music called "Aurinko in Adagio" and shares a personal story regarding his mother's musical talents and aspirations. The details explain why his dad appears to be so hard on OKU because he is truly a child prodigy. FIN doesn't want him to loose heart but try hard to do his best.

Oku longs to feel his mother's presence so the night before his audition he takes the old music and learns it by heart on his trumpet. Oku decides to play the new found music for his audition. He feels his mother's spirit is in the room and her pride. His confidence is ignited. The camera close-up of Oku is magical as he holds up his trumpet and begins with a deep breath. (KP)