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Children's Filmfest Hamburg - First Comes the Script
by Becky Tan

Five girls between 11 and 12 sacrificed a whole weekend to sit in Hamburg’s Grindel cinema. They participated in the Children’s Film Festival script-writing workshop. Their teacher, Kathrin

Nowak, has much experience with the topic, having studied at the Hamburg Media School. Her short film Der Vogelforscher won international film festival prizes. The girls, Josephin, Ella, Carolina, Luka, and Mona (originally there was a boy, but he dropped out) watched other films such as Die Gang, a made-for-TV film under the series. After reading several scripts, they set to writing their own about a granny and her magic hat. The girls, since they are already enthusiastic writers, readers and movie buffs, thought they might like to write scripts some day and if not, at least they were quite interested in the ground rules of script-writing and learning to improve their writing skills. <