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by Karen Pecota

Rayak Zehtabchi, USA 2023

Small town businesses all across the United States have their challenges for survival in our nation's economy today. Rayak Zehtabchi, in his short film THEY CAME FROM ALL OVER shares a unique story of how the people in a rural community work together to keep a longstanding grocery store from failing.

In the 1870s, The Mulholland family founded the local grocery store in Melbourne, Iowa, named The Mulholland Company. The small-town grocery store has been owned and operated for four generations. On December 13, 2021, the store building was destroyed by fire. The current owner and great-grandson of the Mulholland family, Tom, posted, "My business was destroyed by fire and every fire truck from all over came to try and save it." Thankful but heartbroken and devastated, Tom was confronted with the loss of the family business and the impact it would have on the community.

Interviews with town people made it clear that they were shocked at how the fire rapidly took away their mom-and-pop grocery store. The whole community mourned the loss. The personal connection to the store, the management and the convenience for many in the community was a devastating factor. The Mulholland family was trustworthy, stable, committed to their community and known for their generosity. Tom called it, "The Mulholland Way - You take care of them and they'll take care of you."

The most incredible part of this story is yet to come because the community gathered together to put forth a plan to rebuild and keep Mulholland Grocery alive. The store is to reopen in 2023.

Zehtabchi presents a love letter to small businesses everywhere in THEY CAME FROM ALL OVER. Long-standing family-owned businesses can survive with the collaboration of a connected and loving community.