Deer Valley ski resort prior to covering the Sundance Film Festival...
I was skiing solo and shared a chair lift ride with a local man. Here is our conversation:Local Man and I share greetings and salutations while getting comfortable for our short ride up the mountain.
Karen: Having a good day skiing?
Local Man: Yes...can't get enough of this great weather and good snow.
Karen: Right! Sounds like you live in the area.
Local Man: I do! Park City! How about you?
Karen: My husband and I are here from Seattle. I will be covering the film festival while my husband takes advantage of boarding and skiing the area.
Local Man: Oh! Us locals have a name for you people. We call you PIB's!
Karen: What's a PIB?
Local Man: A PIB! People in Black!
Karen: LOL!(Laugh Out Loud) That's a good one! Great description! LOL!
Local Man: LOL! Seriously though, us locals try to stay away from you people during the festival. You all wear Black and don't know how to drive or walk among all the traffic...We can't see you! So many festival goers are not paying attention to the surroundings. Some cause serious undue accidents. Some PIB's are plain stupid!
Karen: oh wow! I totally agree because I usually walk everywhere during the festival and I have had some really close calls of being hit simply crossing within the crosswalk when allowed to cross...I am scared sometimes too...I have never see so many impatient and air-head drivers. I can see how frustrating it would be for the Park City residents. I am so sorry! I'm glad to know this...thanks for sharing your PIB story.
After a moment of silence...
Karen: I'm going to put you in my coverage. Us PIB's need to be aware that the locals are watching!
Local Man: LOL! Oh yes, we are watching from a ten-foot pole! Tell your audience that Kenny will be watching!
Kenny smiled! Our lift ride came to an end. We shared our good-byes and off we went to shoosh down another trail. My conversation with Kenny was delightful and I smiled all the way down the hill. PIB! People in Black! LOL!