Directed by: Peter Brunner, Austria
Fifteen-year-old Kati (Jana McKinnon) and her grandma (Renate Hild) obviously love each other very much. But grandma is dying. She gives Katie meaningful advice about remembering the good times and being sure to say good-bye. This is the good part. But Katie has nightmares about a super-fit naked black man (Christos Haas); pigs in a barn; waking up in a dirty pig stall covered in blood, beaten but clothed. This part is some kind of inexplicable nonsense. Then after grandma dies, Kati locks her cute toddler sister Pia inside an abandoned metal container. We never see Pia again. Although the discussions about death and dying between Kati and grandma were heartfelt and interesting, the rest of the film left much to be desired.