Opening 2 Oct 2014
Directed by:
Rami Hamze
Writing credits:
Rami Hamze
Principal actors:
Rami Hamze
Director Rami Hamze, armed with 10,000 euros, idealistically calls upon the People of Kalk to participate in a democratic effort to decide how this money should be used. Hamze organizes a meeting point in a room where every citizen can come and participate and help decide how the money can best be put to use to make Kalk a better place. With his slogan “Kalk für Alle” he hits the streets and tries to pursue different interest groups to come up with ideas and to vote on which plan they prefer. Soon he is confronted with a harsh reality. A small percentage are very actively meeting and suggesting plans for the money while others are too shy or feel that they are outsiders and are not able to put their foot forward and say what they think. As a foreigner himself, he tries hard to find out how to break down these walls and why is it so difficult to get a whole community to agree on making one decision after presentations of several ideas.
In the end the ones who are very forceful and demanding get the prize money, leaving bitterness among the others. Hamze is distressed since it was not the way he perceived it would happen, and his film didn’t go in the direction he predicted. He still wonders what a democracy is, if it indeed takes on such a form, as it did with this example.
This film, which showed at two film festivals, is an excellent way to demonstrate to young people how a political system operates. (Shelly Schoeneshoefer)