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by Marinell Haegelin

Did others wonder if they’d stumbled into the wrong film festival? Part of this year’s Contemporary Laboratory (Labor der Gegenwart) was a section of programs dedicated to various aspects of pornography. Wonder how well attended they were. (MH)

How is social media affecting people’s ability to effectively communicate? For successful visual and/or narrative storytelling, filmmakers need more than stream of consciousness-like, oftentimes convoluted, unexciting images, and disjointed text to keep audiences’ interest. (MH)

The 2019 KFF program had wall-to-wall text that was difficult to read and off-putting. (MH)

A round of applause for Mo & Friese KinderKurzFilmFestival’s wonderfully diverse, age-appropriate array of good films for children. (MH)

“Thank you to all the filmmakers, our wonderful juries, all the industry guests, panelists, students and friends. …With nearly 80 events taking place over the last week, with more than 300 films from over 40 countries and over 600 guests we cracked the visitor record not only in the cinemas.” From: Anne Jung & Gabriel Fieger, Gästebetreuung (guest service) (MH)

Starting 10 minutes late, one presenter rambled on for 20 minutes with an older gent about films in the special program. Only at the end, after he’d left for another commitment and with lights dimming, did she mention the gent had directed two of the seven films shown. (MH)