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by Karen Pecota

C. Fraser Press and Darren Press, USA 2023

Part of the animated shorts category curated by Whoopi Goldberg

In a matter of 12 minutes, the directors creatively unpack a very tragic story that results into one of triumph and hope based on true events in A COW IN THE SKY. Their usage of beautiful animation along with archival material gives credence to an amazing narrative.

In 1988, an Ethiopian college student, Mulugeta Seraw was beaten to death by a group of skinheads in Portland, Oregon. The group was influenced heavily by notorious white supremacists, Tom Metzger and his organization WAR—White Aryan Resistance."

The murder of Mulugeta left his young son, Amine, back in Ethiopia, fatherless. The painful loss was devastating for the whole family. A life cut too short made way for Mulugeta's father to become a surrogate parent to his grandson.

Justice prevailed with criminal convictions and a historical civil trial. Filmmakers C. Fraser and Darren share, "Led by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the trial became a blueprint for fighting hate groups and led to the current system of tracking hate crimes in America."

Amine soon went to America but not under the best of circumstances. In route on the trip his fascination with the long airplane ride thrilled his soul. It was the first time flying in an airplane and as he would look out the plane's window he would recall his grandfather's saying, "I have a cow in the sky but cannot drink her milk." Looking for the cow in the clouds it wasn't until years later that realization of the Ethiopian adage appeared to him.

Amine's desire to be a pilot intensified and years later his dream is a reality. The meaning of the Ethiopian adage becomes clear on his first solo flight. He is thrilled to be flying and managing his plane alone and in solitude. He reminisces about his father, his identity, and his dreams. In an instant, his engine suddenly fails and his plane free falls. Events of a lifetime struggle between his dream and his reality flash before him. The physical and mental rush necessary to rely on his talent and inner strength gives him confidence to decide his destiny and what appears is his understanding of the cow in the sky.