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WAR GAME: A Surprise Panel Event
by Karen Pecota

I’m always looking for what I call a ‘surprise discovery’ (something unexpected, something worth covering) at the film festival. The WAR GAME panel event was one of them. I was invited to join a special event coinciding with the documentary WAR GAME, showcasing in the Special Screenings category at Sundance Film Festival. The surprise was a panel discussion including several of the main players connected to the film, and those we’ve seen in the media since the first impeachment process of former President Trump.

The event’s location was super cool—my first surprise discovery. The atmosphere was delightful. It modeled an outdoor/indoor garden with white folding chairs, for a medium-sized audience, positioned to face toward a small stage, and set on it were several chairs and a huge screen facing the spectators. Bistro tables, with tall chairs to match, were set around big flowering planters and trees, adding comfortable couches and side chairs with refreshment tables intermingled.

While I was standing at the refreshment table, next to a very distinguished gentleman, one of the film producers came up to us and thanked us for being present and then left. I turned to the gentleman and said, “I’m sticking with you, as I now seem to fit right in…” We laughed! Second surprise discovery.

The third surprise discovery was the presentation of the WAR GAME cast and crew, along with the filmmakers, they explained the story behind their project that all began with an op ed in The Washington Post from three US military generals concerned that our country’s democracy is at stake since the January 6th insurrection.

One panelist shared, “The biggest issue today is that the country is in serious denial. That is why the film is so important to share. The film helps to allow people to see a real scenario play out.” Another mentioned, “To share with the society at large is the key…97-98 percent of the military will do their job and be loyal, but the 1-2 percent is the concern of an uprising. We’ve seen that it only takes a small amount of military and ex-military to make another insurrection possible.”

The filmmakers shared that no one in the film knew what the outcome would be; but those characters featured in the film were asked to respond in real-time to the situation based upon their own experiences—what would you do, say, advise, etc.? The outcome was chilling! And, as impressive as that, the exercise was unscripted. Likewise, the filmmakers hope that their film is viewed in communities for discussion and a preparation for action to protect what’s at stake—our democracy!