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Film Review: The Story of Terry Moore: THE LAST LIVING LEGEND OF HOLLYWOOD
by Karen Pecota

Isabella Blake-Thomas, USA, 2024

Filmmaker Isabella Blake-Thomas documents an interview that she had with Hollywood legend Terry Moore, in THE STORY OF TERRY MOORE: THE LAST LIVING LEGEND OF HOLLYWOOD.

Terry’s journey toward stardom began when she was 10 years old with the encouragement of her parents. They shared these insights with her of what they observed in her character: you have confidence; you are a star within (meaning her personality and character); and you were born to be a star. Terry was uplifted by her family from a very early age knowing that she had exceptional talent and beauty—necessary for the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Terry shares that just because she had the goods, she wasn’t a star suddenly. She worked hard at every job, had longevity with studios, and loved every opportunity to perform. She was forever thankful as well as appreciative, to be in the same circles as her colleagues: Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Glenn Ford, Robert Wagner, etc. but never felt competitive, only collaborative, thus learning with admiration from each and every relationship. Terry was extremely complimentary for every opportunity given to her and never took anything for granted. Listening to her tell her story one can only imagine that she was a true friend and a delightful professional. Terry’s sense of humor, transparency, and happiness comes from within--a sincerely wonderful person.

Isabella asks Terry out of curiosity, “Who did you dated in Hollywood?” Terry smiles, chuckles, and says, “Tell me who I didn’t date in Hollywood!” Her laugh is contagious, and I loudly chuckled too.

Not all of her Hollywood days were happy ones. Terry shares some of those disappointments and how the experiences matured her, for example: her marriage to Howard Hughes. She notes, “You can’t marry an image and assume to be happy. It’s not reality.”

Terry attests that her greatest role in life is that of being a mother and said, “Being a mother is everything to me.” Adding, “It enhanced my career by being a mother.” It gave her peace.

Terry shares so many stories of her journey as an actress that are hilarious, challenging and heartwarming. One is in awe of her stamina, talent, and grace.

Isabella mentions that Terry’s world appeared more wholesome than Isabella’s and asked, “Who kept you safe?” Terry answered, “My mother!” Ahh Isabella says, “Moms are good!” Terry answers, “You bet they are!”

Isabella asks, “Looking back on your life, if you could change one thing, what would it be?” Terry answers with conviction, “Nothing!” Adding, “I am happy and satisfied of what I’ve accomplished and what I’m still doing. I have no regrets.” Isabella comments on how she’s been instrumental in the industry and made a positive impact on so many people and asks, “What do you want to leave behind in this world?” Terry contemplates this question and says with a pause between each word, “Love…Love…Love!”

Isabella Blake-Thomas gives the audience a look into the Golden Age of Hollywood through the eyes of actress Terry Moore—a Hollywood legend.