Jean-François Asselin, Canada 2017
Myriam returns home from a run and realizes her partner and famous architect Alexandre is missing. Some of his things were taken. She reports the missing items to the police and insurance company but decides to keep Alexandre’s disappearance quiet. At the architectural firm an important contract bid for the Québec Arts Centre must be submitted so she decides to cover for Alexandre’s absence and push forward. But to do so, she needs innovative plans. She sees potential in Frederic, a young architect whose own business went bankrupt but who had already sketched some ideas for the important project as part of his job interview. She convinces Frederic to develop plans in Alexandre’s name. Although Alexandre does not himself appear in the film, his personality infects everyone around him and you develop a sense of his charisma and power. Frederic seems to morph into Alexandre as his colleagues constantly impress upon him what Alexandre would or would not do. Simple things at first, like smoking. Then he becomes all consumed. The clever use of art and graphics provide insight into the mind of the architects – both Alexandre and his passions and Frederic with his ambitions. Great characters, lush sets and kinky sex make this psychological thriller crazy fun.